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![]() 1/19/2010 - Birthday!1/19/2010 - The first one! I chose describing the excellent ways my birthday was spent as the motivation to start the comic journal off. I was living in Montclair, NJ at the time. Dinner was at my faaaavorite restaurant at that time, a Chinese fine dining restaurant called Sesame. They closed a couple years later - I miss that place so much. Still the only non-takeout Chinese place I've ever been to, if you can believe that. The prices were still reasonable but the food... TO DIE FOR. | ![]() 1/27/2010 - Sarah PalinActually, I do know why I was watching Oprah. Where we were living at the time, we rented an apartment in the third floor of a family's home. I was downstairs and the lady was watching TV and Sarah Palin was being interviewed by Oprah. No, Oprah never said that. I only WISH she did. And Sarah Palin... I only made what she said a LITTLE weirder... some of that actually came out of her mouth. | ![]() 1/??/2010 - LarryConLarryCon was what my ex-husband's friend Larry called him having his birthday party in a convention room at a hotel. He staged it like a convention, with different events at different times. The one I showed up for was "Jägermeister Brunch," at which we realized it was the Jägermeister that was for brunch, not a brunch to be consumed with Jägermeister. |
![]() 2/14/2010 - Valentine's DayValentines day comic I came up with over a year before, then drew in a hurry that weekend before Valentine's day 2010 to present to my then-husband, Mike... before everything went to heck, as things do. Good times. | ![]() 2/??/2010 - This WeekThis was after the beginning of the time in my life when the Insomnia had come to stay and was really beginning to shut things down for me. That's the Failboat sailing off into the sunset with my ability to sleep. | ![]() 4/16/2010 - Weird ConfessionOne of those discoveries that comes with Spring... "I have a kinda weird confession... I love the smell of the air that comes out of the bicycle pump." |
![]() People Think You're CrazyMy homage to having always been someone who just says random things at random times. Look, a squirrel! Oh, sorry. What? And yes, that kid in the classroom is singing Goldfrapp's "Utopia". The teacher is about to be like, "...WHAT?!?" | ![]() The Evolution of WomanIt was a real epiphany to me just how much every single thing about being pregnant and being a new mother seemed designed to bust you back down to the level of an infant so you'd fully commiserate with the helpless creature you were now tasked with taking care of. You grow all the way up, and get to a certain point in your life, only to find yourself right back there, having to pee every twelve seconds, crying, behaving too impulsively, throwing dirty, goopy, wet, cranky- the ciiircle of liiife! | ![]() 7/1/2010 - A Proud MomentI teared up. Legit. |
![]() 7/26/2010 - VALIDATION!This was meant to be the first in a series of Things Wot Keep Me Afloat. I think the second one was going to be Booze. I might still get around to that one, even though I barely can keep my head above even a small amount of booze these days... let alone my stomach. | ![]() Can't SleepDate uncertain - Yes, it was having a little someone forcibly wake me up every other hour for a year of my life that basically beat the knowledge of How To Stay Asleep out of my body and Brain. They just never seemed to remember how we used to do that... | ![]() 8/2/2010 - Trojan HorseI mean... seriously, right? Doesn't inspire confidence in the product, IMHO. |
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