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Modeling for drawing and painting classes

Facebook - Modeling at This-n-That bar's Tuesday night drink-n-draw, April 2, 2013

Facebook - Modeling at This-n-That bar's Tuesday night drink-n-draw, April 2, 2013

Facebook - Shots of some of the drawings of me from the Halloween art class at the ArtGarage in Mont

Facebook - Shots of some of the drawings of me from the Halloween art class at the ArtGarage in Mont

Posing for an art class

Posing for an art class

Sketch of Amanda by Dave McKenna

Sketch of Amanda by Dave McKenna

Facebook - Modeling at the Halloween-themed Thursday night art class

Facebook - Modeling at the Halloween-themed Thursday night art class

Painting of Amanda by MarilynRoseArt

Painting of Amanda by MarilynRoseArt

Facebook - Modeling at This-n-That bar's Tuesday night drink-n-draw, April 2, 2013

Facebook - Modeling at This-n-That bar's Tuesday night drink-n-draw, April 2, 2013

Sketch of Amanda by Justin Winslow

Sketch of Amanda by Justin Winslow

and some of the resulting art

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